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Post by Bhaavin Shah


Be it your life partner, business partner, mother-in-law  or anybody for that matter,

How often have you felt like telling the truth but stopped in your tracks owing the the 'dangerous consequences' involved?


 It could be a truth about yourself that you have been hiding and feeling guilty about or it could be an un-expressed truth about the other person charged by powerful emotions that have been suppressed.


How often you have felt the same relationship is not able to go to the next level of stability and intimacy? A relationship becomes more and more wonderful the more the truth is let out of the closet. Provided you know the way to let it out.


 As long as you set up a safe space to share every detail and learn the way to express your truth, your guilt, your anger, your feedback, your honest emotions, it becomes easy to tell the 'whole truth''  no matter how difficult it may seem. It's only a question of a little net practice with smaller truths and then you will find the ball rolling.


Only telling the truth can free you up and bring new liveliness into the relationship. Otherwise you are too busy living in the prison of your minds  and listening to the same unexpressed chatter, the stalled gramophone record playing in your own mind for years together.


Come and explore with me this beautiful art of EXPRESSING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOURSELF & OTHERS…   It's a simple technology that you just need to learn and use.

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